Consulting Services
We're here to help. Whether we're designing organization-wide strategies, defining a role, or conducting a single review, we're here to support your talent needs. We partner closely with each client and develop a plan that addresses your current challenges. Here's a summary of the types of support we provide.

Organization & Role Design
A strong organizational framework enables you to operate effectively and achieve your goals. We partner with you to design specific roles, team structures, and full organizational charts. Drawing on our expertise and coupled with input from your team, we develop staffing plans that enable you to achieve your mission.

Recruitment Strategy & Tools
A rigorous, equitable, and efficient recruitment process equips you to hire great people and leave a great impression on all candidates. We take a user-centered approach to process design, considering the candidate and interviewer experience as we map out a clear recruitment process and craft job descriptions, core competencies, interview guides, rubrics, and thought exercises. Once finalized, we design and deliver trainings to set your team up for success as they put these new tools into practice.

Performance Management
Thoughtful review processes are critical to the success of any team. We design a performance management framework that reflects your culture, core values, and core competencies. Drawing on our own expertise and incorporating perspectives from staff across the organization, we develop comprehensive review systems, then partner with you to put them into place. We also offer individual performance management plans for CEOs and Executive Directors, partnering with the Board and staff to collect comprehensive feedback. In addition, we can serve as an external partner, generating the review and driving the process annually.